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Children Must be Immunized
Children Entering School Must Show Immunization Certificate
It is an offence to admit a child of less then seven years to school unless the parent produces a certificate proving that the child has been immunized.
Any one who authorizes the admission of a child under this age who is not immunized, is guilty of an offence and is liable to a fine and in default of payment, imprisonment.
Butchers Must be Licensed
It is illegal for anyone to operate as a butcher unless that person has been granted a valid licence by the local Board of Health, that is the Council of the KSAC or the Parish Councils. Breach of this Regulation is a criminal offence and an offender is liable to a fine and in default of payment, to imprisonment.
Butchers with Infectious Diseases Should Not Handle Meat
This law says that no butcher shall offer employment to a person who has or is suspected of having an infectious disease like typhoid, influenza or tuberculosis. This would be a breach of the Regulation which can result in fine or imprisonment. It is also a breach of the Regulation if the butcher employs someone who cannot or refuses to produce a valid food handler’s permit.
Meat Must be Transported under Sanitary Conditions
When meat is being transported, the butcher must ensure that it is protected against contamination by insects, animals, wind and dust. The meat must be transported in a dust proof vehicle that is in a clean and sanitary condition. The vehicle must not be used for transportation of poisonous substances and should be cleaned at regular intervals. Breach of this is an offence punishable by a fine and in default of payment, imprisonment.
Selling Condemned Meat is Illegal
This Act stipulates that no-one shall prepare, offer for sale or sell any meat that has been condemned by a Public Health Inspector as being unfit for human consumption. Consumers must for their own protection, be on the look-out for instances in which condemned meat is being offered for sale and report this to their local Parish Council or to the Consumer Affairs Commission.
Carcasses Must be Passed Fit for Human Consumption
This law says that all cattle, pigs, sheep and goats to be slaughtered for consumers to eat must be inspected by a Public Health Inspector. It also says that no animal carcass is to be offered for sale unless it has been passed fit for human consumption and stamped by the Public Health Inspector. Anyone in breach of this Act has committed a criminal offence and is liable to a fine or to imprisonment or to both fine and imprisonment.
Sanitary Storage of Meat
Butchers must ensure that any packaging material used by them for wrapping meat minimizes spoilage. This means that the packaging must be:
stored, used and handled in a sanitary manner
sufficient to completely surround and cover the meat and protect it from contamination; and
non-toxic (that is the packaging should not be made of poisonous material).
Cleaning Up after Slaughtering an Animal
Butchers who do not clean up in the stipulated manner after slaughtering are acting in an unlawful way and Consumers must be vigilant about this. For the Consumer’s protection, the Regulation stipulates that butchers must, among other things, disinfect all equipment used in the slaughter or preparation of meat and must store the meat so as to prevent contamination and spoilage.
Parents of children under seven years of age must see to it that these children are immunized. Parents must ensure that their children are immunized within one year of their birth with further immunization being done whenever this becomes due. Under normal circumstances, any breach of these rules is a criminal offence and parents are liable to a fine and in default of payment, imprisonment.
Source: / Ministry of Justice
Public Health Act