The Ministry of Culture, Gender, Entertainment and Sport
Value Smart Information
• The minister is the Honourable Ms. Olivia “Babsy” Grange
• The state minister is the Honourable Mr. Alando Terrelonge
• The permanent secretary is Mr. Denzil Thorpe
• The opposition spokespersons is Mr. Damion Crawford & Ms. Gabriela Morris
• Vision statement: To be a vibrant and dynamic organization, excelling in service delivery, realizing the full potential of youth and culture in nation building.
• Core Values: honesty, creativity, respect, confidentiality, professionalism
• Some of the ministries policy priorities:
- To improve the conditions for our children and adolescents, especially for those in need of care and protection
- To seek greater opportunities for the empowerment of our young people, especially in the face of youth unemployment and a commensurate broadening of the cohort of youth at risk.
• Some of the services provided:
- Record, archive and promote diverse expressions of Jamaica’s indigenous culture
- Preservation of the country’s tangible and intangible
- Library services (primary source materials covering all aspects of Caribbean life and society)
- Equip youths, 17-24 years old, with the necessary life coping skills to foster their personal and career development as well as enhance their contribution to community and national development.
• Some agencies of ministry:
- Child Development Agency (CDA)
- Creative Production and Training Centre (CPTC)
- Institute of Jamaica (IOJ)
Head Office
4-6 Trafalgar Road
Kingston 5
Phone: (876) - 978-5347 / (876) - 978-7881 / Fax: (876) - 978-2948
Opening Hours:
Monday - Thursday
8:30am - 5:00pm
8:30am - 4:00pm

Tokyo Olympics Women's 200M Final
Tokyo Olympics Men's 110m Hurdles Final
Jamaica wins 1st, 2nd & 3rd at London Olympics
Usain Bolt's 100m Race at the Olympics
Shelly-Ann Fraser-Pryce's 100m Race at the Olympics
Jamaica Break Men's 4x100m World Record
The Reggae Boyz beat Japan 2-1 World Cup 1998